Bespoke Notion boards

Pick your preference
Unicorn - £200
My Unicorn Notion package takes your wish list and makes it a functioning reality.
You send me your requirements for a board – everything you want it to do and contain, and I create it for you.
After creation you have 1 month to try it out and have any adjustments made.
You also get a training video on how to use your brand spanking new board.

What you get:
- A Notion board designed for your needs & brain.
How it works:
- You send me your wish list of things that are on your board & how it works.
- I turn it into a Notion board & send it back to you with a video showing how it works.
- You test it for 1 month & let me know of any changes.
- I make the changes.
- You live your best and most productive life.
Alicorn - £1000
Alicorns are winged unicorns and this package is designed to help you fly.
Not for the faint hearted, the Alicorn package includes a Notion board designed for your exact needs, an in your pocket cheerleader for 3 months, and 3 magical sessions with me to crush your brain mush and take the bovver boots to your brain gremlins.
This package is about more than a productivity system that makes sense for you, it’s about finding power and joy in your neurodivergence. It’s about freeing yourself to do it your way.
What you get:
- A Notion board designed for your needs & brain.
- 3 months of access to me cheer-leading and supporting you.
- A change in mindset that allows you to make the most of it.
How it works:
- We kick off with a “dig in” session to discover what’s tripping you up, what’s working really well for you, and what you need from a Notion set up.
- I create a Notion board & send it back to you with a video showing how it works.
- You test it.
- We have another “dig in” session where you feedback what’s come up while testing the board and in life.
We’re not just looking for the “this list is in the wrong place,” we’re looking for “I got really busy with life stuff so I stopped using it and then I couldn’t get back into it” too. - I rework the board and sent it back over to you.
- You test it again.
- We have another “dig in” session to see what brain gremlins and issues are coming up now.
- I sent over an updated board.
- You test it for 1 month.
- We have a final check in call to work out any last kinks.
- You live your best and most productive life.

Email me to get started